Introduction to Inquiry Kindergarten Animal Unit Grade 1 Water Pollution Unit Grade 2 Weather Unit

“Research from Digital and Non-Digital Texts”

Water Pollution Inquiry Unit- Grade 1 Sample Lesson #2
Phase of the Unit: Investigate

Research from Digital and Non-Digital Texts PURPOSES OF THE LESSON:
  • To utilize a variety of resources towards answering central questions of the inquiry (What causes water pollution? How do we prevent it?);
  • To collaborate with peers to extend thinking;
  • To practice using digital and non-digital tools as part of the inquiry cycle.


Lesson Segment
(Video Clip)
Segment Focus
Questions to Consider While Viewing (Links to Facilitator Notes for PLC)
Teacher Commentary
(Video Clip)
Supporting Documents
Connect/Engage (5:12) Review central questions of the unit and answers so far. Preview how to use various digital and non-digital resources for investigation, and responding on the graphic organizer provided. What are pros and cons of providing the graphic organizer for the children’s responses as they use the various resources? (See blank Graphic Organizer) Connect/Engage (3:49)









Independent/Collaborative Practice 1 (6:18) Children work, independently or with partners, to explore their assigned resources and record new learning and thinking. The teacher confers as they work. How does the teacher guide the students in their thinking and recording of their ideas? (See Student Work Samples) Independent/Collaborative Practice 1 (3:41)
Independent/Collaborative Practice 2 (6:51) Independent/Collaborative Practice 2 (2:07)
Share (6:06) Students turn and talk to share something they learned. Then the teacher asks specific children to share learning related to the central questions. What is accomplished in this sharing session? Share (1:25)
Lesson Reflection and Next Steps Students turn and talk to share something they learned. Then the teacher asks specific children to share learning related to the central questions. Lesson Reflection and Next Steps (3:15)