Goals/Benefits Time/Structure Sample Lessons Routines Texts Assessment

Suggested Readings: Texts Section

Articles from The Reading Teacher are accessible online with a subscription to the journal.
* denotes books that are referenced in Suggested Readings for several sections.


From Section 3: “The A of ARC: Afford Access to a Wide Variety of Print” (pp. 34-48), and “The C of ARC: Afford as Much Choice as Possible” (pp. 61-750) *Marinak, Barbara A., & Gambrell, Linda B. (2016). No More Reading for Junk: Best Practices for Motivating Readers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Practical suggestions about providing wide access and appropriate choices in independent reading
Chapter 5: Creating Classroom Libraries (pp. 75-84) *Morgan, Denise N., Mraz, Maryann, Padak, Nancy D., & Rasinski, Timothy. (2009). Independent Reading: Practical Strategies for Grades K-3. New York: The Guilford Press. Helpful information about establishing classroom libraries, including “starter” book lists and websites that give book recommendations.
Bates, Celeste C., Klein, Adria, Schubert, Barbara, McGee, Lea, Anderson, Nancy, Dorn, Linda, McClure, Erin, & Huber Ross, Rachael (2017). E‐Books and E‐Book Apps: Considerations for Beginning Readers. The Reading Teacher (70) pp. 401–411
Support in selecting digital texts for beginning readers.
“Support Choice: Teach Students How to Choose Books” (pp. 49 – 57) especially Figure 3-4, Questions to Consider When Guiding Student Choice. *Miller, Debbie, & Moss, Barbara. (2013). No More Independent Reading Without Support. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. An important discussion of the nuances of selecting “just right” books beyond simply attending to levels.
Mrs. Zimmerman’s Learning Conservatory: Websites to Learn About New Books
One teacher’s excellent list of websites that review children’s books.
From Chapter 2: Structures and Routines (pp. 28-31) (Book Choice)


From Chapter 3: Classroom Libraries (pp. 93-105)

*Reading with Power and Passion: Resources to Support Independent Reading.
https://www.weteachnyc.org/resources/collection/independent-reading/. Download “Independent Reading Collection” and the book will be included.
Suggestions about supporting student book choice, including websites with book recommendations, some by children
Suggestions and many lists to support building a robust classroom library


Independent Reading Module. https://earlyliteracycenter.clemson.edu/home/k-2-literacy-resources/