Goals/Benefits | Time/Structure | Sample Lessons | Routines | Texts | Assessment |
Suggested Readings: Texts Section
Articles from The Reading Teacher are accessible online with a subscription to the journal.
* denotes books that are referenced in Suggested Readings for several sections.
From Section 3: “The A of ARC: Afford Access to a Wide Variety of Print” (pp. 34-48), and “The C of ARC: Afford as Much Choice as Possible” (pp. 61-750) | *Marinak, Barbara A., & Gambrell, Linda B. (2016). No More Reading for Junk: Best Practices for Motivating Readers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. | Practical suggestions about providing wide access and appropriate choices in independent reading |
Chapter 5: Creating Classroom Libraries (pp. 75-84) | *Morgan, Denise N., Mraz, Maryann, Padak, Nancy D., & Rasinski, Timothy. (2009). Independent Reading: Practical Strategies for Grades K-3. New York: The Guilford Press. | Helpful information about establishing classroom libraries, including “starter” book lists and websites that give book recommendations. |
Bates, Celeste C., Klein, Adria, Schubert, Barbara, McGee, Lea, Anderson, Nancy, Dorn, Linda, McClure, Erin, & Huber Ross, Rachael (2017). E‐Books and E‐Book Apps: Considerations for Beginning Readers. The Reading Teacher (70) pp. 401–411 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/trtr.1543/epdf |
Support in selecting digital texts for beginning readers. | |
“Support Choice: Teach Students How to Choose Books” (pp. 49 – 57) especially Figure 3-4, Questions to Consider When Guiding Student Choice. | *Miller, Debbie, & Moss, Barbara. (2013). No More Independent Reading Without Support. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. | An important discussion of the nuances of selecting “just right” books beyond simply attending to levels. |
Mrs. Zimmerman’s Learning Conservatory: Websites to Learn About New Books https://www.alyciazimmerman.com/book-browsing-shop-and-tell.html |
One teacher’s excellent list of websites that review children’s books. | |
From Chapter 2: Structures and Routines (pp. 28-31) (Book Choice)
From Chapter 3: Classroom Libraries (pp. 93-105) |
*Reading with Power and Passion: Resources to Support Independent Reading. https://www.weteachnyc.org/resources/collection/independent-reading/. Download “Independent Reading Collection” and the book will be included. |
Suggestions about supporting student book choice, including websites with book recommendations, some by children Suggestions and many lists to support building a robust classroom library |
Independent Reading Module. https://earlyliteracycenter.clemson.edu/home/k-2-literacy-resources/