Goals/Benefits | Time/Structure | Sample Lessons | Routines | Texts | Assessment |
Suggested Readings: Routines Section
* denotes books that are referenced in Suggested Readings for several sections.
From Chapter 2: Structures and Routines (pp. 19-26, 48-61) | *Reading with Power and Passion: Resources to Support Independent Reading. https://www.weteachnyc.org/resources/collection/independent-reading/. Download “Independent Reading Collection” and the book will be included. |
Excellent explanation of routines, with sample anchor charts for overall guidelines, stamina, partner sharing and more. A whole section is devoted to sample mini-lessons to teach the most important routines. |
Stamina charts and posters https://www.pinterest.com/mkersten/classroom-reading-stamina/ |
Many examples of stamina charts, graphs, and posters can be found on Pinterest. | |
https://www.thedailycafe.com/ articles/Classroom-Spaces- That-Foster-Student-Success https://www.thedailycafe.com/ |
The Daily Café by the 2 Sisters https://www.thedailycafe.com/daily-5/read-to-self |
While full access requires a membership fee, the website also includes many free tips and examples of routines to support “read to self,” the 2 Sisters designation of IR. Some samples are listed at left. |
Chapter 3: The 10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence https://s3.amazonaws.com/ cdn.stenhouse.com/pdfs/d5ch3.pdf |
Boushey, Gail, and Moser, Joan. (2014) The Daily 5, Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades, 2nd Ed. Portland, ME: Stenhouse | This Chapter (currently available online) presents a useful protocol for teaching any new routine for IR. |
Independent Reading Module. https://earlyliteracycenter.clemson.edu/home/k-2-literacy-resources/