Goals/Benefits Time/Structure Sample Lessons Routines Texts Assessment

Suggested Readings: Time/Structure Section

Articles from The Reading Teacher are accessible online with a subscription to the journal.
* denotes books that are referenced in Suggested Readings for several sections.


“How Can You Find the Minutes?” pp. 3-7 and “How Much Time Did We Find?” (pp. 44-47) *Miller, Debbie, & Moss, Barbara. (2013). No More Independent Reading Without Support. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Example of how one school found time for IR by examining how teachers spent their day and making appropriate changes.
From Chapter 2: Independent Reading in Schools (pp. 17-32) *Morgan, Denise N., Mraz, Maryann, Padak, Nancy D., & Rasinski, Timothy. (2009). Independent Reading: Practical Strategies for Grades K-3. New York: The Guilford Press. The authors discuss “The Elegance of a Predictable Structure,” explaining the roles of mini-lessons, conferring and sharing in IR.
Hudson, Alida K., & Williams, Joan A. (2015). Reading Every Single Day: A Journey to Authentic Reading. The Reading Teacher, 1 March, 2015.
A second-grade teacher describes her process of developing IR in a Reading Workshop format in her classroom, and the positive impact on the children.
From Chapter 4: Instruction During Independent Reading (pp. 111-126) *Reading with Power and Passion: Resources to Support Independent Reading.
https://www.weteachnyc.org/resources/collection/independent-reading/. Download “Independent Reading Collection” and the book will be included.
Ideas for how IR fits into overall literacy instruction; Information about structuring a conference, FAQs about conferring.


Independent Reading Module. https://earlyliteracycenter.clemson.edu/home/k-2-literacy-resources/