Instructional Decision-Making | Before Reading | During/After Reading | Letter/Word Work | Reading/Writing Connections |
Prompting, Teaching Points, Running Records/Lesson Notes, High Frequency Words:
- Anderson, N.L., & Kaye, E.L. (2016). Finding versus fixing: Self-Monitoring for readers who struggle. The Reading Teacher* (70)5, 543-550
- Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. (2009). The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide 1: Teach, Prompt, Reinforce. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2009). Chapter 2: Effective readers: What do they do? and Chapter 4: Reading behavior: What does it tell us? In When readers struggle: teaching that works. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, pp. 16-29, 44-59.
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2009). Chapter 14: Teaching for problem solving while processing texts: Early reading behaviors and searching for information; and Chapter 15: Teaching for independence in processing texts: Solving words, self-monitoring and self-correcting behaviors. In When readers struggle: teaching that works. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann pp. 323-371
- Rodgers, E. (2016). Scaffolding word solving while reading: new research insights. The Reading Teacher* 70(5), 525-532.
- Schwartz, R. M. (2015). Why not sound it out? Journal of Reading Recovery, 15(2), 39-46.
- Schwartz, R. M. (2005). Decisions, decisions: Responding to primary students during guided reading. The Reading Teacher*, 58(5), 436-443.
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2009). Chapter 17: Teaching for comprehending: thinking before, during, and after reading. In When readers struggle: teaching that works. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, pp. 397-433.
- Briggs, C. & Forbes, S. (2002). Phrasing in fluent reading: process and Journal of Reading Recovery, Spring 2002.
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2009). Chapter 16: Teaching for fluency in processing texts: Six dimensions. In When readers struggle: teaching that works. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Serial Order Difficulties:
- Clay, M.M. (1991). Chapter 6: Attention and the twin puzzles of text reading: Serial order and hierarchical order. In Becoming literate: The construction of inner control. Auckland, New Zealand: Heinemann. Pp. 113-140.
Early Emergent Readers:
- Kaye, E.L. & Lose, M.K. More than ABCs: Letter knowledge and the development of a literacy processing system. The Journal of Reading Recovery, Fall 2015.
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2009).Chapter 3: Going off track: Why and how? and Chapter 10: Learning about print: Early reading behaviors. In When readers struggle: teaching that works. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, pp. 30-43; 201-231
- Richardson, J. (2016). Chapter 2: The Pre-A Reader. In The next step forward in guiding reading. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Overall References containing useful information across sections of this module:
- Clay, M.M. (1991). Becoming literate: The construction of inner control. Auckland, New Zealand: Heinemann.
- Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. (2016) Guided Reading, Second Edition: Responsive teaching across the grades. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
- Gibson, S.A. & Moss, B. (2016). Every young child a reader: Using Marie Clay’s key concepts for classroom instruction. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Johnson, P. (2006). One child at a time: Making the most of your time with struggling readers K-6. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2009). When readers struggle: teaching that works. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
- Pinnell, G.S. & Fountas, I.C. (2011). The continuum of literacy learning, Grades PreK-8: A guide to teaching. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
- Richardson, J. (2016). The next step forward in guided reading: Grades K-8. New York, NY: Scholastic.
*Articles from The Reading Teacher and Reading Research Quarterly are accessible online with a subscription to the journals.